The increasing popularity of technology including smartphones, tablets and laptops over the last ten years has led to an interesting change in the amount of people seeking help for neck pain and the associated back problems that can be caused as a result of neck misalignments. Prolonged usage of smartphones & tablets in particular can lead to increased pressure being placed on the delicate neck joints due to the position we will most likely adapt when using these technologies.

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What does technology do to your neck?

Imagine when you’re using your smartphone during the day or on your commute, how do you position your head? For most people that perhaps aren’t aware of their posture it may be that you’re constantly looking down at your phone – that can be the most comfortable way to browse the internet, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram but it can also be the most stressful on our spines. This position isn’t just adopted when using our phones either, if you’re using a laptop in the evening and you have it on your lap you are forced to look down at the screen. Or if you’re lying in bed or on the sofa in the evening watching TV or Netflix – we most commonly lie down with just our necks propped up. All these different activities can force our necks to adopt an unnatural position and can cause our body to literally reverse the natural curved alignment we should all have in our neck.

Technology from a young age interferes with normal spine development

There are of course other activities besides using technology that have in the past caused us to look down for longer periods of time, for example reading books or magazines. But the almost addictive usage of a wireless device has added another activity that we participate in often multiple times a day for extended periods of time that can cause damage to our spines. Depending on the degree that we look down and for the amount of time we do so during the day, it can cause the ligaments at the back of the neck to stretch, the spinal cord itself to stretch. Your cervical spine will become misaligned or your upper back muscles will fatigue and become tight or repeatedly spasm. Furthermore, letting children who are still growing and developing their bodies to adopt slouching positions using mobile devices for long periods of the day can potentially cause damage that could give them lifelong struggles with neck or upper back pain. It is very much a modern phenomenon that we are beginning to see cases of what is being called ‘texting neck’ appear regularly in the clinic and in increasingly younger people. The frustrating thing is that with the right techniques and awareness, this problem can be easily avoided.

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The far-reaching consequences of “tech-neck”

While the most common symptoms of the problem mentioned above can be difficult enough to deal with, sustained activity can lead to a whole host of other problems forming as a result of the unnatural increased pressure that having to hold your head constantly forward can cause. Our cervical spine is supposed to have a natural curve that bends slightly backwards; increased usage of mobile devices in a constant almost bent over position can lead to spines developing a forward bend. This can lead to increased pressure on the lumbar spine as a result. Conditions that can develop as a consequence include, increased wear and tear throughout the joints, slipped discs and bulging discs later on. Forward curves in the neck can even increase the tension on the spinal cord in your lower back, something established in the medical literature, back in the mid 1900’s.

Steps to avoid suffering with “tech-neck” and upper back stiffness

There are many steps you can actively take to prevent any damage becoming worse and ease the stresses and strains that using mobile devices on a frequent basis can cause. Becoming aware of your posture and checking back in with yourself several times over the course of the day can really help examine if posture is something you’re having difficulty with. Examples can include activities without mobile devices, such as making sure you’re not bending forward while driving, that your computer at work is positioned so that you don’t have to be consistently looking down or likewise up at your computer screen – your head and neck should be in a neutral position sitting square to the shoulders in order to be the most comfortable. While you’re using a mobile phone or tablet, hold the device directly up directly in front of your eyes to prevent yourself having to look up or down at the screen. Taking regular breaks and stretching your shoulders and upper back during this time can help to relieve any tension that may have built in your muscles.

Technology, neck pain & headaches

We’ve spent a lot of time examining why looking down at a screen can cause problems, but making sure to not look too far up consistently is also important at preventing yourself from getting headaches during the day. Tilting your head upwards for extended periods during the day can cause blood vessels at the base of the skull to become pinched, if this happens we’re much more susceptible to suffering from headaches, This is more common in the tall person who is slouched over a poorly set up desk

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If it persists, get professional help!

If you’ve spent some quality time checking in with your posture, correcting it where necessary but you’re still experiencing tension, pain or spasms in your muscles, or perhaps you’re experiencing regular headaches, or radiating pain into any other areas of your body – it’s definitely worth seeking the help of a professional so that they can evaluate the health of your spine. Depending on the amount of damage to your spine you may require some treatment to help relieve the pain and help your body to function much more effectively. At The Mayfair Clinic we can offer examinations, complete with x-ray imaging if necessary to get an in-depth look at the positioning of your spine. From there we offer targeted treatments that can specifically help when it comes to correcting spinal alignment, disc problems including bulges or symptoms such as sciatica.

So if you’re based in or around the London area, feel free to contact our friendly and professional team today to discuss your case. Included in your first session is our examination, the x-rays if needed, diagnosis and your first treatment – so you can get back onto the road to recovery from day one. Call the clinic today on 0203 947 3222 or email us at to book your appointment.

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