When you first begin suffering with a recurring or constant ache or pain, your first point of call may well be your GP to find out what’s causing the problem. Or you may well have been suffering with longer term aches and pains for a number of weeks, months or even years. It’s increasingly common practice to be referred to see a physio in order to help with rehabilitation, but as you’re about to discover that may not be the best first course of action when attempting to heal a condition that is particularly inflamed.

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On your first visit with us, you can expect to undergo a thorough examination complete with orthopaedic testing, this may be something that you’ve had to complete before when seeing other healthcare professionals but is completely normal. Depending on your case, we will order imaging to help us better understand your condition, in many cases of medium to long term back and neck pain, this is incredibly insightful. We will then recommend a series of treatments using our carefully curated range of therapies.

The Mayfair Method

The importance of using the newest technologies, as opposed to the prescription of exercises, stretches or manual therapy, cannot be underestimated. As the most common cases that we see tend to be either neck or lower back conditions, we commit to providing the best treatment available in the form of The Mayfair Method. Our method of treatment includes a combination of Spinal Decompression, Spinal Impulse Adjusting and Laser Therapy, with all being able to target a specific area of the spine to achieve relief. Our treatments are also non-invasive, avoiding that typical feeling of being ‘man-handled’ when undergoing any kind of manual adjustments, massaging or stretching. In most cases of back or neck pain, going straight in with stretches, exercises or adjustments when your range of movement is considerably limited as a result of the pain, can potentially do more harm than good and further inflame the condition.

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Limitations of the hands-on approach

In fact, if a patient presents to a typical Osteopath or Chiropractor, that only uses manual therapy, with a slipped disc in the lower back, there’s not much that they can actually do to help heal the area. In most cases they may massage the area, perhaps adjust a different area of the spine in order to help relieve the pressure on the injured area of the spine and therefore ease the pain. The last thing an injured disc needs, is to be twisted or compressed further! Our biggest advantage by using The Mayfair Method is being able to target the injured area of the spine that traditional Osteopaths or Chiropractors cannot. The Result? Faster relief, so you can get back to living your life pain free as quickly as possible.

When Should You Consider Visiting Us?

Pain in your arms or legs.

Pain that gets worse at night or with certain movements

Pain when sitting or standing

Pain when walking

Muscle weakness

Aching, tingling or burning sensations

Gentle & Targeted Spinal Treatment

Our Spinal Decompression at The Mayfair Clinic is able to specifically target the neck or lower back, and has been proven to have success rates of up to 90% when treating conditions such as slipped, bulging or herniated discs, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease and trapped nerves. A good volume of the research has been done on some of the more chronic cases, even getting great & statistically significant results in patients suffering from 10 years of chronic back pain!

Another great advantage to being a patient at The Mayfair Clinic, is being able to receive targeted guidance on how your spine has become injured in the first instance, to avoid the problem from recurring in the future. By looking at any past imaging including x-rays or MRI scans, our talented team are able to understand why an area became injured and what exactly needs to be changed in order to solve the problem in the longer term.

Keeping the spine mobile and aligned properly

A prime example of this is our Spinal Impulse Adjusting technology. There is a specific way that your spine is designed to be aligned in order to help it move fluidly and effectively cushion against any daily stressors on the spine. When normal alignment has been lost, injuries become much more prevalent – your joints can become stiff and your spine is left in a more compromised state. Spinal Impulse Adjusting allows us to target areas of the spine that are out of alignment, to encourage them back into a normal position. This therapy is commonly used in conjunction with our other therapies as they can enhance the effectiveness of our treatments.

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Faster & more complete healing of injuries

But one of the best advantages we have here by using The Mayfair Method, is being able to use our therapies to speed up that healing process, which is something that cannot be achieved if a therapist is only using their hands, or the prescription of stretches and exercises, to rehabilitate a condition. Using our K-Laser therapy, we are able to apply the laser to an injured area in order to help increase circulation – a process that draws water, oxygen and nutrients to the targeted location to provide the best healing environment. This will help to reduce inflammation, swelling, muscle spasms, stiffness and therefore alleviate pain while the injured tissue returns to normal. On top of this, laser treatment has been shown to reduce the amount of scar tissue formed. This gentle and soothing treatment can be used on conditions varying from acute to chronic, healing an area much faster and more completely to reduce the likelihood that the injury will recur.

Aftercare and rehabilitation

After our patients have completed numerous treatments, pain relief has been achieved and we’re confident the area is beginning to heal. Only then will our team recommend the best strengthening exercises and stretches that will help extend your healing process beyond the clinic. Rehabilitative exercises certainly have their place in the healing process when it comes to working on an injury, but doing these when an area has become much less compromised is the best way to achieve fast, effective and long-lasting pain relief from an injury. The additional benefit of completing your rehabilitation properly, is that you’ll be more protected against future accidents or injuries.

So if you have an injury, however new or old, don’t compromise on your treatment. Book in today for a consultation to start your journey. A first visit includes an examination, diagnosis, X-Ray imaging where necessary, and treatment, so you can get back to being you as quickly as possible.

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