Back pain is an ever-increasing problem in the UK. Everyone at some stage will experience back pain and the effects that it can have on your daily life. However, back pain doesn’t have to stop you in your tracks completely. For years, we were told that when you have back pain, you should lay on a hard surface. However, recent tests and studies have shown that this could make back pain worse and the best thing to do for pain in the back is continue with your daily life. Although this does depend on what your daily life involves. Here are nine things you should avoid doing in your daily life if you have back pain.


One of the biggest causes of lower back pain is slouching. Slouching, and any other form of bad posture for that matter, can cause excessive pressure on muscles, joints and discs in your back. This can cause short-term back pain, but it can also cause further complications like herniated discs if it continues. If you sit at a desk all day, try to set your workspace up so that you can work with a good posture. This may even stop you from having lower back pain for good.

How much can this affect your lower back? According to research, slouching whilst standing can cause an increase of up to 400% in pressure in your low back muscles and an increase of 150% in the last disc (L5/S1) in your lower back.

Avoid the miracle cure

To put it bluntly, there is no miracle cure for back pain. We’ve all seen the adverts for back pain treatments that are the best since sliced bread, but in studies and test, these miracle cures are nothing more than a waste of money. Instead of concentrating on these miracle cures, try exercising, improving your posture and eating right – a magic pill will will not solve a mechanical issue. If that doesn’t help, come and see us at The Mayfair Clinic for the real best treatment for back pain since sliced bread!

Bending a lot

Bending forward a lot can lead to back pain. Whether this is bending to pick light things up or the heaviest thing in the world, bending causes an increase in pressure on your discs and muscles and cause pain. If you can, limited the amount you bend forward and if you can’t, perform back exercises that help to offset this repetitive forward bending.

Make sure that when bending, you’re bending from the hip joints rather than rounding your lower back, this protects your discs.

One interesting fact for you on bending forward, most of the patients we see injure their back picking up a sock or small weight carelessly, not lifting a heavy object!

Not exercising

Exercising with back pain can hurt at the start, but it is one of the best things you can do for lower back pain – especially low impact work. Exercising can help keep your muscles strong and improve circulation to the area. Plus, exercise gives you a boost in energy and helps you feel happier in general. Also, sitting on the sofa all day can mean you are slouching and, as we found out above, that isn’t too good for lower back pain either!

Some good exercises include, swimming backstroke & the cross-trainer (elliptical), theses are our favourite for back pain as they put minimal stress on the spine, whilst allowing for gentle movement. Even walking in the pool with a friend is better than nothing!

Lifting heavy things

One of the biggest causes of back pain in the UK is lifting heavy things incorrectly – although our patient base would disagree with this fact. We have all seen the health and safety notices stating how you should lift something, but many people do not follow these notices until it is too late. If your job requires you to lift heavy things regularly, ask your boss for equipment to help you lift these things or ask for a hand. There is nothing macho about having back pain, ask for some help to avoid this debilitating problem!

Traumatic back pain of this sort often will result in more severe back problems, however lifting one extremely heavy thing, can often be just as bad as lifting a slightly heavy thing repetitively. So be aware!

Passive treatments

Back treatments like ice packs, heat packs and over-the-counter medication may help you feel good, but this effect is often short-lived. The best treatments for short-term back pain are taking care of yourself, exercising and eating properly. Passive treatments modalities like these simply block the pain, which can help in the very short term, but do not offer you any real treatment.

Be careful with pain relief for longer than a week or so. If things are not changing, chances are the pain is an indication to investigate things further. Check it out, and consult someone, typically osteopaths or chiropractors would be best as they deal with backs every day – or at least, we do!

Back pain horror stories

You know the deal, as soon as you mention back pain to someone they begin a story that sounds like an old fishermen’s tale. “I knew someone that had such bad back pain, that they had to amputate their back now they have no spine”. Don’t listen to back pain horror stories. While it is true that not all back pain will disappear, most lower back pain is short-lived and nothing to worry about. Of course, some back pain does require action, but this is something you should discuss with doctors like us and not a man in the pub!

Quite often these twinges will last a day or so, and then go away. This is fine, don’t work yourself up over this kind of back pain. If things persist beyond the week and stay the same or become worse, get it checked out. In most cases, early intervention from the right professional is just what you need.


Smoking doesn’t do a lot for health, it must be said. In fact, smoking can increase your chances of getting a lot of medical conditions, including back pain. Basically, smoking makes your body more unhealthy and more prone to injuries and more serious health conditions. If you smoke, stop and your back pain might stop too.

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Waiting for the pain to go away

If you’ve had back pain for more than two weeks, do not wait for it to go away any longer, come and see us. Lower back pain from bad posture or lifting something typically lasts a few days at most, and so anything longer than that can mean that the cause of your back pain is more complex. While it’s noble of you for trying to take care of your back pain yourself, if there is an underlying cause to your back pain, we need to diagnose it quickly in order to offer you the best treatment possible. With a quick diagnosis and back pain treatment, we can provide a smooth recovery and get you back to normal quickly.

We hope this look at some things to avoid if you have back pain has been helpful. Remember, back pain can be serious and any back pain that lasts longer than a few days to weeks should be considered serious. If you have back pain that isn’t going away, come and see us at The Mayfair Clinic. We can examine you and pinpoint the cause of your back pain and then create a treatment plan to provide relief from the symptoms and the heal the underlying cause of your back pain.

To find out more about back pain, please explore our website further. If you’ve had back pain for a week or more and would like our help diagnosing and treating it, use the contact form below. We can help you get rid of back pain and get your life back to normal quickly.

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