Back pain is a major contributor to days off work and restless nights in the UK. It is something that most of us will experience in our lifetimes. For most us, back pain will only ever be minor, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be painful! Now, while medication can manage back pain, no one wants to be using pills and potions all the time. Surely there’s a way of managing back pain naturally? Well, there are several natural remedies for back pain that do a great job at keeping back pain and inflammation at bay and prevent it from returning.

Before we get to the natural back pain remedies, we first want to talk about back pain diagnosis. As we said, most of us will only experience minor back pain in our lifetimes. However, others can experience back conditions that can cause pain and inflammation almost constantly. If you have had back pain for a while and have tried everything to get rid of it and nothing has worked, you may have a serious back issue. Come and see us at The Mayfair Clinic and we can diagnose your back issue and get you on a treatment plan that actually works to alleviate your pain by treating the cause. The quicker you get a diagnosis for your back pain, the quicker you can get your life back to normal.

If you have had a diagnosis for your back pain already, check with your doctor to make sure the remedies below are safe for you. We cannot tell you whether it is wise for you to try these remedies as we don’t know what’s causing your back pain. If you feel any further pain while trying these remedies, stop and come and see us for a diagnosis and proper treatment. Now, here are the best natural remedies for back pain and inflammation.

5 natural remedies for back pain and inflammation

Get regular exercise

Getting regular full-body exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight, improves your posture, reduces muscle weakness and increases your flexibility. All of this helps to alleviate back pain and inflammation and stops it returning. You will need to find an exercise programme that suits your lifestyle and provides aerobic and cardio exercises. But with the right exercise plan in place, it can help you heal all manner of body pain, not just back pain.

Exercises that work great for the back include:

  • Swimming
  • Rowing
  • Walking
  • Lifting weights
  • Yoga

Yoga, in particular, has helped many people overcome back pain. Yoga positions help to stretch and strengthen the muscles, ligaments and tendons in your body. This improves your posture, gives your ligaments a new lease of life and stronger muscles help take pressure off the discs and bones in your back.

Enjoy soft tissue therapy

Soft tissue therapy is really just a fancy name for a massage. Having a massage can improve your posture, relax your muscles and get any stress out of your body. They are also relaxing which may not seem like a massive deal, but the more relaxed you are, the less pain you are in. This is because when you are relaxed your brain has released endorphins into your body. These are natural painkillers that work wonders on back pain and any other pain for that matter. Plus, a huge part of neck and back pain is stress. If you are stressed, you tend to bunch up your back muscles more and cause more pain. A regular massage can take this stress away and rid you of stress-related back pain. 

Be careful however, of becoming overly reliant on massage as quite often, more serious back problems will initially manifest as muscle tension. It is worth getting checked just to make sure the cause of your recurrent back trouble isn’t anything more sinister.

Take Supplements

Capsaicin cream, magnesium, essential oils, MSM, fish oil and turmeric, can help with back pain & inflammation in general. Whether you have back pain now or just want to prevent it, taking supplements can help you. Plus, all of the supplements above help to make you healthier in general. Take turmeric as an example, it has anti-inflammatory properties, anti-ageing effects and can help to reduce pain. Supplements are a great way of ensuring your diet is as complete as possible and that it is helping you fight back pain as much as possible.

Eat the right foods

Potassium-rich food, protein, omega-3 fatty acids and high-fibre foods can all help you to control your back pain. These foods contain all the nutrients and minerals you need to ensure that you back is as healthy as possible. If your back is healthy, the chances of it hurting are greatly reduced. Also, drinking plenty of water can help control back pain too. Being dehydrated can increase back pain and cause muscle spasms. Staying hydrated is an easy way to stop certain back pains, particularly when it comes to dehydrated or degenerated discs. If you stay hydrated, it helps your discs stay hydrated.

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Get regular osteopathy (maintenance)

Coming to see us at The Mayfair Clinic is one of the best ways of keeping back pain and inflammation at bay. We use the latest chiropractic & osteopathic technology to heal our patient’s back conditions and prevent them from returning. All of the technology that we use at The Mayfair Clinic recreates the healing benefits of traditional chiropractic & osteopathic techniques, but our treatments are safer and more precise. Once we’ve pinpointed the cause of your back pain, we create a tailor-made treatment programme for you to alleviate back pain and prevent it from returning.

Depending on the cause of your back pain your treatment may include laser therapy, spinal impulse adjustment, spinal decompression or a combination of all three. To find out more about these back pain treatments, please contact us using the options below.

By eating the right foods, taking supplements, getting regular treatment, soft tissue therapy and regular exercise, you can alleviate back pain and prevent it from affecting your daily life again. These are the best natural treatments for back pain and inflammation because they offer very little side effects and greatly benefit your life by making you healthier, fitter and generally happier.

Regular maintenance or whole body “MOT” treatment with us at The Mayfair Clinic is something particularly helpful, as with our specialist treatment we can specifically alleviate the build up of day-to-day pressure in and around your spine (neck and back) to make sure your joints stay healthy, flexible & pain-free!

We hope this article about natural remedies for back pain and inflammation has been helpful. To find out more about back conditions that cause this pain and inflammation, please explore our website further. For a professional diagnosis and tailor-made treatment programme, get in touch with The Mayfair Clinic using the contact form below.

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