Osteopathy and Back Pain

A Revolutionary Approach to Lower Back Pain

What is osteopathy?

The backbone of osteopathy is the belief that the well-being of an individual depends on their muscles, bones, ligaments and connective tissues working together smoothly. If one joint in the back, for example, isn’t functioning properly, this can cause a ripple effect on the bones, connective tissues, muscles and ligaments surrounding it. This ripple effect can then cause the person to experience pain throughout their entire back and even their arms and legs.

This backbone belief allows osteopaths at The Mayfair Clinic to look beyond the symptoms of a condition and find the underlying cause. You see, without treating the underlying cause of back pain, it will return. It is much the same as topping up your car with oil if it has an oil leak. Your car still has a leak, you are just providing a quick fix to get your car to the garage and get it repaired.

So, The Mayfair Clinic is the garage in the example above. We don’t treat the symptoms, topping up the oil, we look under the bonnet and find the direct cause of the problem. By finding the root of the issue, we can treat it and the subsequent symptoms. This means that you can get quick relief from symptoms and long-term relief from the direct cause of these symptoms.

How can osteopathy treat back pain?

Typical osteopathy treatments for conditions like back pain involve massaging, stretching and moving the muscles and joints in the back. These physical manipulations aim to increase the mobility of joints, help with blood flow to the area and help the body to heal. Osteopaths use a range of techniques to heal a patient, some of which we will get to in just a bit. The only things we don’t use are drugs and surgery.

The reason for this is quite simple. Pain medication does not heal the condition, it simply masks the pain allowing a person some time away from discomfort. Surgery, even nowadays, is a risky business, especially in places like the back. And the main reason osteopathy doesn’t use these treatments is that they are often, not needed. Here at The Mayfair Clinic, we have seen incredible improvements in patients with back pain with non-invasive treatments. Many of our patients make full recoveries without needing painkillers or to go under the knife.

The traditional manipulations used by osteopaths throughout the world can make great improvements to lower back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, sciatica and a great deal more. However, we do things a little differently here at The Mayfair Clinic to ensure that our patients get the best results possible.

What does The Mayfair Clinic do differently?

Here at The Mayfair Clinic, we use our considerable expertise during the physical examination & case history, to find the general area of discomfort and develop a working diagnosis of your problem. When appropriate, we use imaging tests to pinpoint the stresses your spine is under to understand what factors may prevent you from making a full recovery. From there, a treatment plan can be set up to treat the underlying cause of the pain & provide any counter measures in the form of at-home rehabilitation.

Every treatment plan at The Mayfair Clinic is tailored to suit the individual. This allows us to make goals for the patient to work towards and help them get back to normal as quickly as possible. The technology that we use at The Mayfair Clinic allows us to tailor our treatment plans like no other osteopaths in the country.

We use the latest and most advanced osteopathic technology to treat our patients because it provides us with a controllable, repeatable way of ensuring a full recovery. Everything is recorded, in detail, so once we know exactly what works for you, we can push ahead with your recovery.

Essentially, the technology at The Mayfair Clinic is providing so much more than the manual manipulation that a traditional osteopath can provide. However, the machines that we use offer us far more control than what is possible just using your hands. We can set our devices up to accurately decrease the pressure in a specific part of your spine, for example, depending on the results of your last session. This advancement means that you spend less time with us overall and more importantly less time recovering from a back condition.

The technology we use

Spinal impulse Adjusting

This technology allows us to move the spine back into alignment in a controllable and repeatable way. It has opened up treatments to people with conditions like scoliosis that never thought treatment was possible for them. It has allowed us to deliver treatments that have never been possible in any healthcare department before. The machine accurately records movement and more importantly the improvement of movement, so you know that something has changed after the treatment!

Laser therapy

Laser therapy allows us to localise the natural healing power of your body. We use our laser to increase blood flow, oxygen and minerals to a particular area of the back and this increase in blood flow speeds up tissue repair. It can also be used to reduce scarring and speed up surface healing, something that no other osteopathy can achieve! This treatment really is “light-years” ahead of anything else and the one that pleasantly surprises patients the most.

Spinal decompression

This is an anti-gravity treatment that can help back pain stemming from conditions including; spinal stenosis, herniated discs and degenerative disc disease. This treatment boasts a 90% success record, it has little to no side effects and has faster results than almost all other treatments for these conditions. There are many other things that spinal decompression can treat, in fact, the conditions above are only a handful of what can be treated with this incredible technology.

Most people find spinal decompression relaxing. The machine gently pulls your spines discs and takes pressure off of them. This treatment not only helps to relieve pain from things like herniated discs but also any symptoms that occur with this condition, such as sciatica

In most cases, these treatments are combined to provide the best benefit possible for your condition. Although spinal decompression is faster than most other treatments for herniated discs, we can increase its speed even more by using laser therapy in conjunction with it. So, with these technologies at our disposal, we can ensure a speedy recovery from all symptoms of back pain and their underlying cause.

We hope this look at osteopathy and back pain has been helpful. To find out more about these technological advancements in the world of osteopathy and what they can treat, please explore our website further. Alternatively, to book in for a consultation and reap the benefits of these machines, please use the buttons below.

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Osteopathy And Back Pain

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