You may have landed here because either yourself, a loved one or friend is suffering with neck pain. Now chances are if you’re suffering from neck pain once in awhile it’s probably nothing to worry about, but if you’re beginning to notice neck pain recurring frequently, lasting longer than a few days or you have constant aching or pain it may be a sign of a deeper problem that requires investigation.

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Neck problems can primarily cause pain in the neck but it may also present itself in other ways, for example frequent headaches or aching that extends into the shoulders and upper back. If the problem is severe you may even experience symptoms extending into other areas of the body as well, and this can affect anywhere from the neck down. The causes of neck pain that we mostly see here include conditions such as slipped discs in the neck, degenerative disc disease, arthritis, bulging discs or trapped nerves. These conditions likely don’t cause pain to appear overnight, but can start off with general aching across the shoulder blades that gradually becomes worse. This is most commonly why neck problems get ignored and why we tend to reach for painkillers to solve the problem rather than seeing a professional to investigate further.

The most frequent mis-diagnosis we see is “muscle pain” & “a pulled muscle”

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To understand how we go about treating neck problems, it’s important to first know what can cause neck and shoulder pain in the first instance, so we can establish which of these behaviours can be easily eliminated from our everyday lives. Sadly, neck problems are becoming more prevalent due to the evolution in the way we spend our time. Without proper posture, everyday activities such as sitting at our desk, relaxing on the couch or in bed after a long day at work, or constantly looking down at our mobile phone screens can all contribute towards the exacerbation of neck pain. If you were to slouch at your desk, your shoulders may sit higher and tenser than they would if you were relaxed, as a result of that we may also compensate by tilting our chin up to look at a computer screen. By doing this over a long period of time, the blood vessels and nerves at the base of the scull can become constricted. This, in turn with tensing and rounding our shoulders to lean at a desk can cause aching in the shoulders and neck, and increase the likelihood that headaches will occur.

Treat the postural causes of neck pain

The easiest way to tackle these precursors is to become aware of your posture and check back in with yourself regularly throughout the day. Take a second to think about how you’re reading this right now, are you looking down at your phone? Are you laying in bed with your head propped forward? The best possible way for you to position yourself is to sit upright with your shoulders back, keeping your neck and head in a neutral position – this may mean using your eyes to look up or down instead of moving your body but you may find it easier to position your screen directly level with your eyes.

So let’s say that you’re suffering from neck pain, how do we treat this? The most important first step is to properly determine the underlying cause of the pain. Our first step is to take you through an examination, including special orthopaedic testing to understand the structure of your spine, potentially x-rays if we think you require them so that we can give you a concrete diagnosis. Our approach will differ depending on what we find to be the problem.

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Slipped discs, bulging discs & degenerative disc disease are some common root causes of neck pain

For slipped, bulging discs or if you neck is affected by degenerative disc disease, improving the healing environment around the disc is imperative. Our Spinal Decompression treatment is able to target a specific area of the spine, it utilises a completely customised high and low percentage of your body weight to perform a very gentle stretch on the area. This gentle stretch can not only provide immediate relief, but will also allow vital nutrients to penetrate the disc space and help to rehydrate those discs. This can not only provide a more optimal healing environment during the treatment, but allow your body to continue to heal itself after the treatment as well.

Misalignments in the neck can be a major contribution to neck pain recurring

In cases where poor posture has become normal, there may be misalignments present in your neck. In order to prevent a misalignment from leading to a more sinister injury & degeneration, it’s important to encourage your spine back into a healthy alignment. Believe it or not, there is a method behind the way that our spines are meant to be aligned. The natural curves in our spine help us to distribute the force of gravity, as well as absorb the shock from walking, running, jumping or lifting. When these natural curves have been lost as a result of long term poor posture, or perhaps a trauma that forces us to overcompensate in one area, this can result in more pressure being placed on more delicate areas of the spine that are not designed to bear so much weight. When left for long periods of time, this problem causes permanent damage.

Your neck needs a break from compressive forces

In reality, a lot of neck problems occur as a result of compression on a structure that is not designed to take substantial amounts of pressure. By treating the underlying cause and relieving that pressure, we can allow the neck to heal more effectively. Once we have helped our patients to achieve pain relief, we are able to provide guidance in the form of advice, exercises and rehabilitation that you can do at home, to strengthen your body’s structure so that in the long-term you are able to avoid a relapse.

So if you’re suffering with neck pain, or you know someone who is, contact our expert team today to discuss your case. Our first session will include an in-depth examination, x-ray imaging if we think you need it, followed by a diagnosis and first treatment, so you can start your road to recovery straightaway. The best piece of advice we can give is to not ignore it if you think you may have a problem, so call our team today on 0203 947 3222 or email us at to arrange your first visit.

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