I used to wonder, “why are so many people suffering from avoidable chronic neck or back pain?” But I’ve started to appreciate why. If you follow us through our weekly posts we will teach you that by making small changes, one step at a time, you can drastically reduce the likelihood of you suffering from such problems, which can cause terrible pain, and alter peoples lifestyles.

When you hear about chronic back pain, you know, immediately, it’s something serious. From experience I can tell you, it’s the kind of problem that can lead to stress, work and home life difficulties, and even lead to unemployment or depression or worse. It is well documented in fact, that there seem to be links in the research and statistics between chronic back pain and depression in particular. When you have chronic back pain people don’t always seem to appreciate how debilitating it can be, especially if you are one of the ones that have good days and bad days. It’s quite common for patients in clinic to express distress over the fact that they feel like other people don’t really understand what it’s like to have back pain. The feeling can be quite isolating.

It’s understandable, but a false assumption, that these people suffering from these conditions are just unlucky. Unfortunately, most chronic cases aren’t because of “a random car accident kicked it all off“. Having seen thousands of individual patients, personally, I can tell you that it’s only the small percentage, who are just unlucky. The amount of times I’ve heard, “well… I don’t really know but I guess it’s been a problem for the last couple of years, not sure what caused it.” The majority of people that suffer from chronic back pain (we’re talking 2+ year history) are people who could have avoided it, almost entirely.

Through our weekly posts, we will be giving you practical points to help immediately. Although we can’t prevent the freak accident e.g. a trip or fall. We can make sure that your body is in the best possible position & condition day to day, to remain healthy, happy and able to enjoy life. If you’ve ever had chronic back or neck pain, you’ll know that it’s the little things in life that we take for granted.

So with that, I ask that you keep you come with us, and explore these topics weekly. The parts that resonate with you, please use them, and share them with others. Together we will be able to help reduce the number of people that end up in such serious discomfort.

Why Is Chronic Back Pain A Problem?

Chronic back pain is such a problem because of the wide ranging effects it can have on you. But whats more frustrating is that people seem to neglect their back’s health, and it doesn’t take much to change and avoid the problem entirely. These are some of the consequences of suffering from chronic back or neck pain that I’ve seen in patients over the years.

  • Physical & Emotional Pain
  • Stress
  • Lost Ability to Work
  • Lost The Enjoyment For Life
  • Depression
  • Can’t Play With Your Children
  • Decreased Self Esteem
  • Feeling Like a Burden On The Family
  • Lost Social Life
  • Increased Expense (generally)
  • Increased Expense (healthcare)
  • Side effects from long term pain medication

It all ends up with a lessened experience and quality of life, and in most cases it is avoidable.

Why Bother With All This?

Now, you might be wondering, this is all great. Helping to solve this problem by teaching people how to not get back or neck pain is noble, but you treat these people, so why are you doing it, won’t it hurt your business? This is a good question, the reason is, “because it’s worth it“. There are more people that need help than we could possibly treat. And a lot of people have already let things go too far. Some of the patients we see are in real trouble. If we can help stop a generation of people suffering these same problems. Or if we can severely dent the 10’s of millions of people that suffer back pain each year, that is a worth while cause.

The Mayfair Clinic Back PainHow Are We Going To Help Back Pain?

Through the coming weeks, the posts will take a particular factor in back pain and dissect it. For example, posture, or laziness. We will explore, with you, the cause, and why exactly it contributes to chronic back pain. The next important part is that we will give you the help to avoid this problem in your own life. That means, for example, a specific exercise routine in the case of posture. It could be a specific habit or practice in the case of laziness. Or it could even be a specific dietary plan or suggestion in the case of nutrition.

We are working tirelessly to give you the tools to fully eliminate the topic of the week from your “risk factors”. All we would ask from you is that you please execute the points if they are relevant to you. If it doesn’t apply to you but you found the content useful, then please help someone else by sharing!

Neck Pain

It’s Really A Whole-Spine Topic!

Although you will see a focus towards the lower back, neck pain comes into this too. It is a whole spine and what is happening at the top of your spine is relevant to low back pain. It works the other way too! Thankfully I’m seeing patients more often being aware of this whole spine connection. Your body is connected in the deepest sense and this is particularly true in your spine. One of the reasons you will find the comments here so helpful is because we really do grasp the true nature of the spine as a whole. We have had patients in the past that by working almost exclusively on their neck, with minimal lower back work, pain and discomfort levels in the lower back have significantly reduced.

Don’t worry we’ll come back to this topic as relevant throughout the weeks! just remember: It’s not a back or neck, it’s a spine.

Our Commitment To You

We want to make sure that these posts are as useful as possible, engage with us, comment (particularly on Facebook or Instagram) ask questions, and we can assure you that the replies will always be as helpful and thorough as we possibly can be!

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