State-Of-The-Art Osteopathy

A Revolutionary Approach to the Treatment of Neck Pain

Is Neck Pain Costing You Too Much?

The costs of neck pain can mount quickly when you consider, days off work, money spent on medication and other treatments. It is extremely important that you have a treatment that works. Because we have some of the best technology available we are able to provide you with results, saving you money and time.

Is Your Pain Affecting Your Performance at Work?

Having the constant nagging ache in the back of your neck can be a nightmare, one you don’t need if you’re in a high-stress work environment! Our treatment can give you fast and effective relief from your neck pain so you can be at your best at work & at home.

Could Our Advanced Approach to Neck Pain Treatment Help You?

If you have been suffering from repeated or persistent neck pain and/or pain across the shoulders and upper back it’s a good job you’re here! At The Mayfair Clinic, we specialize in using the best technology available for effective neck pain treatment.

Treatment is unlike massage which merely stretches the muscles – which are usually overstretched already. The treatment at the clinic instead, focuses on working deeper on the causes of your neck pain. By doing this, not only do you achieve more lasting pain relief, but you also get a lasting healing effect!Neck Pain

Why Is Technology Driven Treatment The Future?

Hands-on manual treatments, or acupuncture and dry needling have a place for relaxing muscles there is no doubt. However, they simply don’t have the ability to do anything more than this. I should know, being a huge fan of joint manipulation techniques (Clicks & Pops). Although releasing a “locked joint” in your neck may help ease the pressure, it doesn’t go far enough to help heal the damaged tissues.

By using our therapeutic laser technology, we are able to take your healing and neck pain treatment a step further. And actually get a change and improvement in your body. Laser technology has been around for a long time. Depending on your case we will also use the other technology we have at our disposal such as Spinal Decompression which is extremely helpful when it comes to spinal disc problems.

More Invasive Neck Pain Treatment Options

As you are probably aware, neck pain can be treated by injections or surgery, but by definition, these approaches are reactive and really the last resort. We have seen patients the other side of a surgery with next to no results being significantly worse off. It hits home just how important it is to help patients before that point is reached.

Unlike surgery or injections which seek to numb your brain to the pain, our treatment is a positive treatment that is guided by the clinical expertise of our osteopaths, to target damaged tissue. Using a multi-modal approach a treatment plan is developed to help the problem heal as completely as possible. At the same time, the plan is safeguarding against future damage and injury!

If you are suffering from neck pain, caused by any of the following conditions, get in touch sooner rather than later:

  • Stenosis
  • Disc Bulge or Slipped Disc
  • Trapped Nerve
  • Whiplash Pain
  • Arthritis
  • Degenerative Disc Disease

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Call to speak with a member of our friendly team and make an appointment today.

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Contact our friendly team by email to request an appointment or call back.

Treatment Covered By Some of The Main Insurers:

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