by MayfairClinic | Aug 20, 2020 | Back Pain, Neck Pain
With the gyms having reopened following the lockdown, if you’re planning on heading back there will be certain adjustments you’ll need to make with your training in order to prevent any reoccurrences of back pain.
by MayfairClinic | Aug 12, 2020 | Back Pain, Neck Pain
If you’re dealing with back pain that’s been ongoing for awhile, it can really take a toll on your mental health. Today we’re talking through why back pain happens, why it can be draining both mentally and physically on your body as well as the range of options we have available to help you get better.
by MayfairClinic | Aug 4, 2020 | Back Pain, Rehab Videos
In this article we talk about the importance of the core muscles, what mistakes you might be making as well as our 5 tips for success in core training to protect your spine!
by MayfairClinic | Jul 29, 2020 | Back Pain, Neck Pain
Venturing back into the gym after lockdown? Experiencing a relapse of a back problem? Today we’re talking about what you can do to recover from a relapse as quickly as possible whatever stage you’re at of recovery, and how to get back into the gym without injuring yourself.
by MayfairClinic | Jul 22, 2020 | Back Pain
Fix your back pain from home! In this article we’re talking about the stages of protocol included in our Back In Shape membership area and why they’re important.
by MayfairClinic | Jul 15, 2020 | Back Pain, Rehab Videos
Good quality sleep is so important for recovery, this can be difficult when you have back or neck pain, find how what you can do to help yourself at night.